It is located in the heart of the "wine landscapes of Piedmont: Langhe-Roero and Monferrato“ now a Unesco site, the artistic and environmental heritage of humanity.
Born in 2003, it is a certificate of love for a land, Piedmont, and owes its name to a product of the earth , the Madernassa pears, the trees of which surround the resort.
A world to be discovered, immersed in a large park where everyone can seek their own
privacy. Floors recalling the old terracotta tiles, walls with exposed bricks, plaster and
warm colours. All in line with the light curtains, sometimes in contrast.
The view of the hills has given the names to the rooms of the restaurant: Terrazza
Langhe and Terrazza Roero for the summer, Sala Langhe and Sala Roero for the colder
months, Sala Garden with the large window overlooking the park as well as cosy rooms
and lounges on the ground floor. A harmony of places where the gaze is lost among
expanses of vineyards, medieval towers and spectacular sunsets.
The gourmet restaurant is closed on Mondays (all day) and Tuesdays (for lunch).
The restaurant is open from 12.30 for lunch and from 19.30 for dinner.
The cuisine of the Madernassa Restaurant & Resort is continuous evolution, it is the ability to seduce with a scent only hinted at. It is metamorphosis with nature, it is creativity and excellence served at the table. It is a cuisine that enhances the colours and flavours of the territory, which evokes memories linked to emotions, which opens its gaze on the world.
We offer three tasting menus, real experiences where you can let yourself be guided by instinct in new taste paths.